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Joining the IndieWeb

“Whilst the concept [of IndieWeb] is interesting it does sound complicated to be a part of, and time consuming”

A survey participant aged 18–24 who is interested in joining the IndieWeb

A humble quickstart

This quickstart guide hopes to make things as simple as possible for you, so that you can get started in no time!

Buying a domain is like buying land.

Once you buy it you are free to do whatever you want with it and on it! No seriously.

It’s also similar to buying land in the sense that there are multiple platforms (known as registrars) that you can pick from to begin with (and pricing can change depending on which one!).

To make it easy for you, some recommended domain registrars by IndieWeb users are (IndieWeb, 2024):

There are many more out there, so feel free to take a look yourself. Most domains are around $25 per year (including!

A handy flowchart

This flowchart is designed to help you get onto the IndieWeb as easily as possible. Created with feedback from the community on the IndieWeb live chatrooms.

More options are available on the IndieWeb wiki.

Go to the IndieWeb wiki Open-sourced with love from 14th May 2024.