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About this site

This website was created by Wing Pang with the aim of making the IndieWeb more accessible to a broader audience—especially to those who aren't familiar with code.

Coming from a design background, joining the IndieWeb was an incredibly exciting and rewarding, yet maze-like journey. To be honest, almost every step of the way was like a leap! But I've learnt so much and got a lot of feedback throughout this process from the passionate and friendly community.

  • Finding out about IndieWeb
  • Learning more and understanding IndieWeb
  • Creating my own website
  • Setting up Microformats and Webmentions (to interact with other IndieWeb sites)

That journey took me almost a whole year—but it certainly doesn't have to be that way for everyone (you can do it in less than half an hour!).

Everyone deserves to own their own content, be connected with authentic people, and have control over what they show and are shown.

This guide aims to help you do just that, and to make it easy.

Go to the IndieWeb wiki Open-sourced with love from 14th May 2024.